Directed by Fergus Grady and Noel Smyth

I could write an absolute essay on this subject, but I shall keep this review concise for this documentary feature speaks for itself with damning evidence and resounding purpose. 

In 1969 on the west coast region of New Zealand’s South Island, the Gloriavale Christian Community cult was founded by Australian evangelist Neville Cooper (who later assumed the name ‘Hopeful Christian’). Within the isolated and secretive community where generations live that many are born into, a real-life handmaid tale of horror, or not far off that, has been happening for several decades. Women of sexual and household servitude, slavery, and widespread abuse all a ‘chosen’ way of life at Gloriavale.

This expose of New Zealand’s most infamous religious group covers the cults establishment, addresses the institutional failures that have allowed it to continue and chronicles the legal case being mounted against them by John Ready, a former member born in Gloriavale whose family still resides there.


As we all know, there is power in numbers. Though John is far from being on his own – aside from a team of Barristers and a human rights investigator, John also has his sister and other former members willing to provide their input and experiences – this battle still feels very much like David vs Goliath in magnitude. This film helps us to understand that they’re not only taking on an institution, its powerful and truly evil leaders and 600 brainwashed members, but also those aforementioned institutional failures and gaps that exist. In order for this case to be any real threat to what the Gloriavale Christian Community cult uphold, the Plaintiffs require evidence from inside the cult. Enter Sharon Ready – John’s mother! This is where Gloriavale: New Zealand’s Secret Cult becomes its most anger-inducing, gut-wrenching and its most compelling. Real recordings and footage taken from inside the cult over decades is made public. 

Gloriavale: New Zealand’s Secret Cult is a message to all other self-proclaimed Christian communities and organisations around the world. Your day of judgement is indeed coming!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Gloriavale: New Zealand’s Secret Cult is showing in selected cinemas across Australia from November 3rd.

Moviedoc thanks Limelight Distribution and Nixco for providing a screener link to watch and review this film.

Review by Leigh for Moviedoc

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